Feed me simple

On our travels we’ve been keeping a blog with updates and photos. It seems like a better way to let people know what we are doing than the mass email shot approach (which no one really reads and you always offend someone by forgetting to add them to the list). I keep up-to-date on blogs,… Read More »

Drivel (test post, really)

I’m on extended honeymoon, travelling around the world with my wife and eeepc 900 (in that order). Simon recently posted on his blog about using a Gnome-based editor called Drivel for offline blogging so I’m giving it try. Network connectivity has bee scarse at times out here… (P.S. connecting Drivel to wordpress is explained here)

Working up the EEE PC 901

I’ve been upgrading and installing on my eee pc 901 ready for travelling. Getting FF 3 on this was a fight. Top hints: add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list (although I’ve read that adding debian repos to this xandros install might be dodgy). The first is to get out of that stupid simple UI and have… Read More »

Autonomous Robots to Sail the Atlantic

The Microtransant Challenge is a autonomous robot sailing race across the Atlantic. They’ve had two warm up competitions in which the boats variously didn’t arrive in time or components failed. In the second competition in 2007 the INNOC (Austrian Association for Innovative Computer Science) team managed to sail for 24 hours and were pronounced the… Read More »


For my RTW trip I’m considering buying an EEE PC. The new 900 series is out now so I’m hoping for a drop in price of the older model. Who needs a 9 inch screen anyway?