Author Archives: steve

Easy jailbreak your iPhone

With jail breaking an iPhone suddenly became too easy not to do. I’ve jail broken iPhones before with ultrasn0w but this is too simple. Just go to that site on your pre-4.0.1 iPhone, slide your finger across the screen and you’re done. Simple! But what next? Your new app installer is called “Cydia”. It’ll… Read More »

Shuffles & randoms

I was asked a question about shuffling yesterday which got me thinking. How do you write an algorithm to truly shuffle a deck of cards without any bias? There are a couple of well-known algorithms to do this, both popularized by Donald Knuth. At a very abstract high-level they are: generate a random number for… Read More »

Installing dd-wrt on a Linksys WRT160N-RM v.3

So I cheaped out and bought a refurbished Linksys WRT160N from Amazon for $28. Great price for a 802.11n enabled router (most are in the $100 range) but it kept dropping wifi connections, slowing up and refusing to respond. Wired connections were fine so I suspected a dodgy radio. Linksys support couldn’t fix the wifi… Read More »


I’m a note writer. I’ve got Google docs full of notes, dropbox notes, iPhone notes, plain text files for GTD, and inked back-of-envelopes everywhere. Or at least, I did. After a pointer from a friend and colleague I decided to consolidate and digitize my notes using TiddlyWiki. TiddlyWiki is a personal wiki wrapped up in… Read More »

Google Wave

So I’ve been playing with Google Wave for the last couple of days and I’m still not sold on it. Perhaps because of all the hype, and hyperbole descriptions that say things like Wave is what we’d have “if email was created today”. When you first log in to Wave you’re presented with a set… Read More »